Saturday, July 12, 2014

Social Enterprise Evolution - Need of the Hour

Writing an analogy about the socialising habits using Facebook , Twitter , Whatsapp, Linked IN and Skype in the personal space and comparing it with the socialising we do at our interesting topic to ponder further

Everyone who works in a corporation deals with the same issue - how to drive revenue and increase the bottom line ( and cohesively preserve the cash). Afterall - Revenue is Vanity, Profits are sanity and Cash is a reality. That means higher productivity,better business processes,faster decision making,fewer meetings,less travel, less e-mail,and less time wasted...

CEOs and CIOs have tried to deliver business value by spending massive amounts of money and time selecting exactly the right technology for their organisations. This worked for a while.The entire industry got really good at automating tonnes of business processes with layers of management ,protocols and silos-pulling every bit of cost imaginable out of the business.But though
we have spent billions of dollars (and time) and become at automating the enterprise,we have overlooked something critically important...

Consider the fact that the business is spending 70% of their annual operating budget on their people..

Yet what have we done for them ? The vast majority of employees still work with old tools and slow bureaucratic ,time sucking processes,which require countless meetings ( and e-mails floating up and down).In some research it was found that people waste 28 hours per week doing mindless tasks like responding to e-mails ,searching for information, collating reports and sitting on irrelevant meetings ....

Why wouldn't we want to make an investment in our most important asset --- our people ?

The most important question to ask is ---HOW can we bridge the gap between the way people now communicate and engage in their personal lives and the way they work everyday ?

The new workforce ( 90%) is SOCIAL. They grew up on Facebook,LinkedIN,Skype,Whatsapp and Twitter.They are used to getting instant responses from their networks via IM and group texts...
EMAILS ,however is an ancient Tool.Younger workers do not relate to the polished english literature of the past generation..They do not know how to set up --let alone check ---voice mail when the light flashes on the desk phone.They are mobile...Smatphone adoption is faster than any other major technology shift, including television,the internet,e-mail and even radio...

They live in the cloud ,they need information whenever and wherever they are across all their devices. Who has the time or inclination to be chained to a workstation ? They do not want to use an e-mail system thats 40 years old,an ERP system thats 25 years old , a CRM application thats 15 years old .

It is time to turn the TITANIC.The enterprise is replatforming due to the convergence of the cloud,
mobile,big data & social. Its changing the way work gets done---forever.Social enterprise platforms that combine these technologies are drastically transforming business cultures and creating business Value...
Instead of just servers and network systems connecting ,in the new world of work,people,placesand content are now connecting to work better.When employees can navigate this information,get personalised results and consult the social graph to find more relevant information,they can spend more time doing what they love----and get paid to do it ! Instead of wasting time,they can work more,code more,develop more,sell more,market more and innovate faster....


I have always believed ( and dreamt) that the social era will be the most important transformation that happens in the enterprise...But untill now we have heard too much talk about social for social's sake.Today we have turned the page on the social software in the enterprise. Its not just about FUN;its just not about the TECHNOLOGY; and its not Facebook for the enterprise.

You need to know why you are using social technologies and platforms to grow revenue,increase profitability and spur innovation. If done right ,social will become the mission critical technology in any business.

Forward-thinking enterprises recognise that to advance and engage the new workforce,you can't use old tools to do new things.Every company in this modern era has to learn how to retool around social,mobile,big data and cloud ,unlock the silos and break down the barriers. Hundreds of companies have already started on this journey using social business tools to create value.These companies were once in the exact place where we are today...

We are still at the beginning of the social enterprise evolution. But the rising tides of the new workforce cannot be ignored. We deserve business systems that unlock creativity and human potential.We are right on the cusp of changing the way work gets done...

I am already gung -ho about this transformation

Roohul Haq