Saturday, February 15, 2014

Meaning of Self worth and Self confidence

Self confidence is reliant heavily on external accomplishments, level of skills and expertise a person possess, level of success or lack of, in the outside world in relation to the person's ability. This explains why a person cannot ever be fully confident all around in every area of life.

 Always intrigued by the two words , hence some musings on these profound words...

Most often a person will feel confident in one area they are good at and completely not confident in areas they have not mastered. Self confidence ties strongly to self esteem because our ability to make things happen in the world and be a success can increase or lower our level of self esteem. 

Self confidence works as a measuring tool; letting us know where we can improve upon and where we make things happen without so much effort. if a person wishes to raise their self esteem; then embraking on a journey to increase self confidence by mastering a skill level or creating things in the physical world will help.

Self worth is a complete internal acknowledgement of who you are and is always enough a recognition that you are an extension of the cosmos and spirit. Self worth is simple celebration of your eternal soul incarnated. Self worth is an internal acceptance of your own spirit with all it's manifestations; with the good and bad. Self worth and self acceptance can go hand in hand.

 Self worth operates more on the soul level while self confidence operates on the rational act of doing and creating and accomplishing. We get the most sense of accomplishment and joy from our activities when we engage our self worth to our accomplishment. We also feel great joy when others can acknowledge our self worth without focusing on our accomplishments. 
A person feels inauthentic when they are praised for their accomplishment instead of who they really are.

This also explains why a person can achieve a level of success and still feel empty or unworthy of the success. This is a byproduct of not accepting our self worth and only identifying with accomplishments. Having a healthy dose of self worth is the antidote to the external pressure to always perform and accomplish. Humans love being admired for our accomplishments but we are always more fulfilled and feel accepted when we are simply acknowledged for our spirit and who we are.

I love imagining a world where all people know and understood what they powerful, infinite, creative, beautiful, Loving, Whole, they actually are........absolutely perfect...worthy and deserving of only happiness, peace, and joy purely by virtue of being. A perfect state of eternal Grace. A world completely free from fear, guilt, and hurt..from the tyranny of the ego's past. ELE! 

Roohul haq


  1. Exactly! Self esteem is very important in our life. For us to achieve the things we want we need to believe in our self and have that self esteem to face the reality of life. I love your article. Keep posting.

  2. Thanks Carmen ! you have some interesting stuffs on your blog as well
