This is a small poem for an innocent girl child who traversed my path at the Indian oil yelahanka new town petrol bunk early in the morning yesterday
There she was an angel
Looking through the window panes of my car
Curiously striking a conversation
Making me stare at her eyes
Giving her hope
Of taking the flower vase
that she was selling
I believe if you
Pay close attention
you will see a sky within her
Vast and deep soul
You will see her hunger to fly
An aura that longs to be in air
I think if you took a second
To understand her thoughts
You would come to know her
To be true and pure
A girl not of this world
But of an old world
when things are still innocent
Still proper
Still a chaotic beauty
I think you would like her
The way she reflects her world
Why on earth do we have this atrocity ?
Of innocent unconquered soul pushed
To harsh realities
So early in life
May there be no kindered soul
Ravaging this beautiful existence
Roohul Haq
There she was an angel
Looking through the window panes of my car
Curiously striking a conversation
Making me stare at her eyes
Giving her hope
Of taking the flower vase
that she was selling
I believe if you
Pay close attention
you will see a sky within her
Vast and deep soul
You will see her hunger to fly
An aura that longs to be in air
I think if you took a second
To understand her thoughts
You would come to know her
To be true and pure
A girl not of this world
But of an old world
when things are still innocent
Still proper
Still a chaotic beauty
I think you would like her
The way she reflects her world
Why on earth do we have this atrocity ?
Of innocent unconquered soul pushed
To harsh realities
So early in life
May there be no kindered soul
Ravaging this beautiful existence
Roohul Haq