Sunday, May 8, 2011

Humility Personified

This article is dedicated to an exemplary master craftsman who lives by the by lanes of Yelahanka New Town. This story has been woven around 5 years back

Among us , we have a huge collection of arts(paintings).Once in a year I purchase paintings to make up my rooms.The usual transaction happens through “” now called .They have a good collection of art facts on their portal.

Some time back(5 years ago),we purchased 2 paintings ---Picasso’s”Dream” and Vincent Van Gogh’s “The mulberry tree”

The paintings were dispatched promptly within 3 days by “Fabmall”.The payment was done on the web upfront.The transaction was carried out in the most modern way you can expect .Jet age you see..

The paintings were modern prints on art paper charts of high quality.These prints had to be made up on “Art frames” with fittings so that,it can be hanged on the walls.

I approached the local kirana shop for getting the frames and fittings made in Yelahanka new town.

The owner of the kirana shop was an aged gentleman. He was from Tamil belt and he had set this shop in YNT because of an appreciative crowd.

The “Owner” was really of the old mold mentality.After choosing the best frames and fittings ,for the paintings I asked,” How much is the price of workmanship ? And what is the lead time .”

The “Owner” was dumbstruck to come to a conclusion, as he was ill prepared to gage the amount for these transactions.

He responded ,”My son is in charge of the “art facts”. I have no sense of the whole thing.

After a lot of cajoling ,we agreed on a price of Rs900/- for the 2
Paintings, as the paintings were large.

I asked,” Is their any advance payment for this transaction?”

The owner vehemently put his foot down and said,” The transaction is done on mutual trust and honesty.”
He even disagreed to give the bill for the transaction(man of words..)

I remember my folks telling this anecdote of living up to
promises you make verbally with promptness. The same
thoughts ran through my mind during that instance.

This also reminisces the vast amount of difference b/w the
Modern transactions (a collateral, payment in advance, net transactions using credit cards) versus the old generation transaction (based on mutual trust and humility)

Coming back to the story the “Owner” promised me the delivery ,the very next day evening. I was happy and closed the transaction with a big “Thanks”.

The next day morning I got a call from “the Owners Son”
He was desperate ,as the art frames we had chosen for the
paintings were not matching to his standards in the true sense.

“The Owners son” had a keen eye for details as he had made up
with thousand of paintings beforehand.

He promised me that he would choose the best frames and complete the activity.

I was apprehensive at the beginning ,but gave a go-ahead on pure gumption.

I drew the amount from the bank near my office, to make payment that evening.

The paintings were ready at the “Art shop” .I was literally
dumbstruck looking at the paintings. It was done up in the most
exhilarating way, beyond my thoughts of imagination

The workmanship was excellent to say the least. The honesty and dedication came across like whiff of fresh air.

The background was put across with a lot of thought and the painting came across live through the eyes of the “Owners son”.

The “Owners son” also apologized for the transaction amount we had agreed upon (Rs900/-),as the cost had escalated by Rs400/- more.

He told,” I have put in 6 hours for the whole design and
Development of the art frames and background work.”
My father has underpriced the whole transaction.

I was taken aback by his forthrightness and honesty.

For me ,the end result was truly rewarding. The paintings looked beautiful beyond my imagination.

Even the “Owners son” replied that all the customers who had
stepped into his shop that day,were going”ga-ga” over the marvels.

He said,” Please pay the amount of Rs900/- as this is what is agreed b/w us-as mouth of words,if you have any reservations on the changed amount.”
I would be happy to accept the agreed amount without any hard feelings.

I was mesmerized at the whole “issue” and found no words to reconcile my thoughts about modern day humility.

I promptly paid him Rs900/- on the same day,with the promise that I would pay the balance the very next day.

I called up my brother and took my paintings back home which
lined up my living and dining room.The payment was completed
the next day with promptness

For the first time “PICASSO” AND “VAN GOGH” paintings looked pale in front of the humility and honesty of workmanship from the regular kirana shops”Owners son”

Whenever I see those paintings ,I see the glowing eyes of the
“OWNERS SON” behind the paintings,on the frames and fittings
which for me is a lethal combination of beauty,marvel,honesty
and humility

Roohul Haq

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