Sunday, December 11, 2011

Faith and related terms

Faith : A dynamic entire belief and acceptance. Faith is a feeling in the whole being. Faith is a certitude without any proof

Faith is a thing that precedes knowledge, not comes after knowledge. It’s a glimpse of a truth which the mind has not yet seized as knowledge(direct spiritual knowledge ;not mental knowledge)

Belief : Intellectual acceptance only. Belief is something that occurs in the head, that is purely mental

Conviction : intellectual belief held on what seems to be good reasons

Reliance : Dependence on another for something ,based on trust

Trust : the feeling of sure expectation of another’s help and reliance on his word, character etc

Confidence : the sense of security that goes with trust

One can have confidence in life, trust in the divine ,trust in one's own destiny,that is ,one has the feeling that everything is going to help him, to do what he wants to do.

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