Friday, April 27, 2012

The future Scenario of Education

Just a modern take on the rituals of going into a class with different ethos...going forward

The speed with which the modern age is taking big strides,
Indicates that our culture will soon be revolutionised.

Future age will reject the institutions of today,
A new spring will flower forth in the coming age.

The entire education system will be overhauled,
A quarter of century is needed for this task.

Indian culture will receive a forward push and boost,
It will spring back to life donning western suits.

The style of education will be modernised,
which will stand reflected in the syllabi.

Subjects deemed useless will be all excised,
Students will be trained in modern merchandise.

History ,Theology,science and commerce will be thrown aside,
Geography ,biology and Maths-will also be exiled.

Dance ,music ,acting,singing,writing and several games allied,
Will be made compulsary in the syllabi.

Lecturers will have to be experts in sports and song,
Every professor will possess a degree in art and dance.

The 1st period will be reserved for races long and short,
for exercise and wrestling bouts,with none to cry halt.

Girls will wrestle with the boys,ply the mallet,try the gym,
engage in sit-ups,gossip,chat and spend time in merry din.

2nd period will be fixed for water -volleyball,
when boys and girls will play kabaddi,in spirit of "free -for-all"

In the 3rd period acting will be taught,
Vamps,villians and heroes,will learn to play their part.

The 4th period will be fixed for social study class,
and the flag of modern culture will be held aloft,

The full import of freedom will then be explained,
In all the tricks of freedom students will be trained.

Boys will choose their own mates,all rituals defy,
The tedium of marriage system will be simplified

Serious studies will be held in the last class,
The path of least resistance will the age adopt.

Listen to us ,O madam,we dont like your jokes,
Remember ,we are gentlemen and self respecting folks...

Roohul Haq

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