Saturday, March 15, 2014

The need to be right ?

An outlook on our daily interactions and how we perceive our thoughts to be right always ?

90% of any type of discussion or arguments seems to be centered on how the messages and ideas are being conveyed and expressed than the actual message itself.
I notice this all the time with others and people i tend to have arguments or discussions with. It makes me wonder if the human brain is more wired to receive information that is presented in a manner that emotionally resonates with the person on receiving end. If it does not emotionally register then the information is not accepted into the person's inner sphere even if the information can be useful. 
Lawyers seems to be an expert at delivering terrible or negative information in a positive light or in a way that triggers emotional response forcing the person to abandon the actual message and only focus on "how" the message itself makes the person feel. This could allude to the fact that an actual logical and rational discussion without personal emotional response is impossible in most humans unless you are Spock from the Vulcan planet.

Views and expressions that provoke our own inner belief systems shed light on where we stand with our views. Opposing views shows the boundary of our beliefs and forces us to consider if our views are limiting and if we can do more to expand our consciousness by acknowledging opposite views. Things get more tricky because the Ego is always working as a guard - trying to filter out information and outside threats that can threaten the comfort zones we all build within ourselves. 
The main tool the Ego uses to gain the upper hand is the need to be right. The need to be right narrows the possibilities for expansion because the Ego only serves to protect the host individual and intent on keeping the status quo.

Real acceptance and expansion seems to arrive when we stop identifying with our Ego to be right and look beyond the restrictions and oppositions and accept all that is. This is challenging because being accepting of others views that may oppose our views can feel like we are not standing by our argument and views. 
Nobody likes to feel like their views and opinions do not matter. But there is also a darker feeling of satisfaction to discredit others views in favor of your own views. This is an internal trap; because the emotion of being right still reigns; making the person less objective and more about personal gain.

There is a lot of room and expansion to play around with when people give up their own need to be right. The emotions that accompany the need to be right is an aphrodisiac that even the most learned men and women can fall prey to.
          Roohul Haq

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