Saturday, March 8, 2014

Random thoughts of the narrator

Random thoughts on seclusion and creativity, how these can be a potent force for insightful masterpieces...

It's an amazing world out there
Making every moment live thee
The chaos is untangled with ease
If you have seclusion thee

To be creative is to be a loner
To sit quietly in seclusion
Away from all distractions
Just listening to your own breathing
Observing your own thoughts
Never judging; but allowing
You get to know yourself

Maybe it is the first time you met yourself
Or the many times you knocked
On the door of your soul
seeking answers and guidance...

To make sense of what you feel
and why you feel it

Consuming you
Into greater depths of your soul...

It seems this place always existed
Never outside of yourself
Always within
Whispering smooth encouraging words
Guiding you with no duress...

You find a small morsel of spark
Enough to fuel you into
an abyss of creativity...

Let this random thought merry thee
Live in the hearts of the narrator Ji...

Roohul Haq

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