Saturday, February 22, 2014

A road journey Ala Life

Just watched the movie " Highway " today and got fascinated to write an analogy on the journey of life....ala " journey on road " 

When there is a huge gap between what we imagine our lives to be and how the reality of our lives actually plays out we feel like we are not living our true lives. This gap is usually self created...

It is self created because in order for anything to manifest in our daily reality it must have a source. The source is often internal. Our beliefs, attitudes, habits and decisions we make all help contribute to this reality we experience. If our daily reality is not in sync with who we are; pain, suffering and feelings of depression can exist. People can get stuck in this phase for a long time; feeling unmotivated and afraid to take charge of their lives...

 Afraid because if one actually starts to take control and lead their lives into a direction that is more in sync with their inherent personality and attitude and ultimately joy; the person is always confronted with the realization that they alone will face the consequences of the decisions they make... 

The life that is created will be starkly different from the lives of the majority and this can create feelings of loneliness and misunderstanding. It is the realization that it is a lone journey; that we are born alone and we die alone. Why not make the best of the situation...

There can be a lot of tugging and pulling from people who think they know better and want to tell you how to live your life. But this is always a misconception because people are naturally threatened by people who choose to follow their own path to fulfillment and happiness. Threatened because you are taking your chances at your life and pushing forward to see what else is there for you. While the majority sit together and bond over the excuses and why they couldn't go out and find their own fulfillment; you are too busy creating your own life....

If all things are internally derived; than the purpose to follow our individual path must come from the belief that you are meant to follow your own path. As long as you hold the belief that you are like everyone else and that you are not unique or special; you will never truly discover your own path. It makes no sense that two people will lead a same life path. The same way no two people share the same DNA; our life paths are very personal to the individual...

Lot of courage and self belief will be needed if a person decides that they will no longer live according to others rules and ideas and start creating from the individual and personal perspective. This also means that you have to get comfortable ruffling people's feathers because the way you live your life will always show to the majority what is possible if a person decides to bet on themselves. This also means that the life you created for yourself will be a direct challenge to those who live a predetermined life that does not cater to the person's individual needs or desires...

A person's willpower and perseverence will be tested; but the rewards of following our individual path gives us a sense of authenticity and we can look ourselves in the mirror and say to ourselves: "I am doing the best I can with what I was given". It's harder to face ourselves when we know the life we lead is not of our own but a creation of external circumstances , all for the purpose of pleasing something outside of ourselves... 

This charade cannot last long; hence everyone is always given a choice at every waking moment to make a change or shift the perspective if we so desire. It is really up to us to make the hero's journey into fulfillment and happiness. Not everyone can appreciate this choice but those who do usually end up more fulfilled and happier....

Lead a Hero's life...

Roohul Haq

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