Wednesday, February 12, 2014

The psychology of Compassion

As much as I am fascinated by other people's psychology I wonder if I am even more thrilled at studying my own psychology.

 I seem to be able to relate to other's psychology only after I understood the ideas and behaviors within myself. It is the process of relating and what the great spiritual gurus call Oneness. It is not enough for me to just have the intellectual knowledge that all things in the universe is related but the experience of human condition can only be known through the experience of your own condition.

 As an INFJ if there is no real connection based on intuitive knowing I lose interest and place it farther away from my experience. 

The goal of understanding your own psychology in relation to others is to develop compassion for the human condition. A beautiful characteristic of compassion is allowing another human being to have their experience without judgement.

 It is the process of allowing and letting things be without feeling the need to control and manipulate. This can also be reversed and practiced on yourself to attain more objective analysis of your own condition.

I have been obsessed about understanding how humans express compassion. Those who are on a spiritual path as well as those who are in the later stages of life seems to experience it more profoundly. 

And I wonder why this is the case. Why are the youth not be able to extend themselves further and experience compassion towards others who have it easier or harder than ourselves?

 And I do not believe it is youth and lacking in life experience. Compassion seems to be treated the same way creativity is snuffed out of the youth at a very young age. Children demonstrate tremendous amount of compassion, tolerance and creativity from birth - but recent study on children's creativity showed that by age 15 the creativity was measured to be about 7% as opposed to 70% that was measured for children at age 3.

 Not only is creativity diminished by that age but all other aspects that contribute to creativity such as curiosity, altruism, eccentric behaviors and out of the box thinking goes out the window as well. IN a nutshell; the inner child gets locked in a box and put away until further use is needed.

 The slow degeneration of the creative spirit becomes the result and that inner childlike spark gets replaced with structured corporate conditioning with so many limits and restrictions.

Roohul Haq

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