Sunday, March 30, 2014

What is your Life's purpose ?

Let us look at a very different topic today. This endearing question lingers among all of us..." How to know my Life's purpose ? " " What is my Life's purpose ? "Interesting mystic question to find an answer to, isn't it ?

If you happen to ask many citizens about what they find endearing in a life journey, I bet 80 % of them would probably say that they wished had been leading a more happier and fulfilling life .

We find this as an astounding discovery. Why is this the case ? 
Why should human beings given the god's gift of socializing,thinking,collaborating,loving,empathising etc be leading unhappy lives?

The most common refrain that you can hear is " I have wasted my life and am half way through it ".I do not know what my life is all about ?

So let us now look at people who have led astounding lives (20%)and gauge for answers through them.When you look at their (20% happier citizens) path of progress, i found an amazing discovery that they knew something about their life purpose,because they knew 5 things...

1. Who they were ?
2. What they did ?
3. Who did they do it for ? well those people wanted or needed ?
4. What they got out of it ? 
5. How did they change as a result ?

Everyone has been amazed about the topic and there has been a deluge of books written on life's purpose by umpteen number of sages,authors,spiritual seekers, novelists etc.Its as simple as those 5 questions ,as it gets....

So in the next 10 minutes, let's figure out our "life's purpose" by answering the following question together.
1. Who are you ?   ---- Roohul Haq

2. What do you do ? ---- I am into people development. To help myself and others be the best they can be.

Note : " focus on what is one of the supremely qualified skill you like to teach or do " while answering this question

3. Who you do it for ? ---- For myself,employees in the corporate world, community and 
underprivileged society

4. What do they want or need from you ?  --- Privileged consultant to advice and counsel about their development needs, future career , skill development and continuous learning.

5. How do they change as a result for what you give them ? ---- They become supremely confident Leaders and Managers who can take decisive actions for the betterment of  corporation /society. They create employment opportunities for the next generation.

So, here you go ! Take a shot at the above questions and find your life's purpose in a jiffy... cool isn't it ? I have answered mine, you have the next 10 minutes on your watch ...tick tick tick...

Roohul Haq

Saturday, March 22, 2014

Creative Inspiration

A wonderful poem for the uninhibited creative force in you (and me)

Creation is an enigma,
Making paths unknown,
Staring at obscure spaces...

When you express yourself,
Always choose the active voice,
Energy is more stronger and intense,
when you choose to create with conviction...

Energy that is active is felt better,
than an energy that is passive,
It is the frequency and vibration,
that the universe responds,

If you create works of art,
piece of writing,
piece of anything that is you,
create with such boom,
that everybody will stop and notice...

Do not fear ridicule or shame,
as there will always be people,
who will understand your voice ,
and your energy...

Just go with the flow,
Make your own masterpieces,
And live the creation...

Roohul Haq

Deep Dive-Self Worth

A deeper look at the way we energise our "self worth " 

Self worth is intrinsic; meaning everyone has it and born with it. So it becomes more of an internal process of recognizing your own self worth. To recognize your own self worth; your relationship with your own self has to be analyzed. How you see yourself on a fundamental level as a person when all definitions of who you think you are is stripped away. Self worth resides in your core essence of who you are and does not attach itself to the roles and identities that we take on in life.

What's left is the bare bones of who you are; an individual that is born to enjoy and experience life. I do think in order to recognize our worth we do have to see humans and ourselves from a positive and higher point of view. it is much difficult to understand self worth if you operate and see yourself from a low self esteem or negative perspective of who you are.

 That's why I think its essential to strip away all you think you are and just recognize that you are a spirit having a third dimensional experience. Personally for me; I tend to look at it from a spiritual perspective because it just makes sense to me; but others can also have great self worth without spiritual connotations.

Self worth is also what's left standing when all things in our lives go wrong or we experience breakdowns or difficult challenges in life. if all things that you hold on to dearly is stripped away and you are left with nothing but your dignity, integrity and self worth - a person with a sense of self worth would still feel that life is worth living.

Would still feel that he or she is worthy of happiness and success and not get attached to the failures or the difficulties. So in a sense; self worth gives the person the ability to feel a sense of being ok regardless of what life throws at them. It is a grounding feeling and it gives a lot of strength and resolve to the person in times of difficulty.

Roohul Haq

Saturday, March 15, 2014

The need to be right ?

An outlook on our daily interactions and how we perceive our thoughts to be right always ?

90% of any type of discussion or arguments seems to be centered on how the messages and ideas are being conveyed and expressed than the actual message itself.
I notice this all the time with others and people i tend to have arguments or discussions with. It makes me wonder if the human brain is more wired to receive information that is presented in a manner that emotionally resonates with the person on receiving end. If it does not emotionally register then the information is not accepted into the person's inner sphere even if the information can be useful. 
Lawyers seems to be an expert at delivering terrible or negative information in a positive light or in a way that triggers emotional response forcing the person to abandon the actual message and only focus on "how" the message itself makes the person feel. This could allude to the fact that an actual logical and rational discussion without personal emotional response is impossible in most humans unless you are Spock from the Vulcan planet.

Views and expressions that provoke our own inner belief systems shed light on where we stand with our views. Opposing views shows the boundary of our beliefs and forces us to consider if our views are limiting and if we can do more to expand our consciousness by acknowledging opposite views. Things get more tricky because the Ego is always working as a guard - trying to filter out information and outside threats that can threaten the comfort zones we all build within ourselves. 
The main tool the Ego uses to gain the upper hand is the need to be right. The need to be right narrows the possibilities for expansion because the Ego only serves to protect the host individual and intent on keeping the status quo.

Real acceptance and expansion seems to arrive when we stop identifying with our Ego to be right and look beyond the restrictions and oppositions and accept all that is. This is challenging because being accepting of others views that may oppose our views can feel like we are not standing by our argument and views. 
Nobody likes to feel like their views and opinions do not matter. But there is also a darker feeling of satisfaction to discredit others views in favor of your own views. This is an internal trap; because the emotion of being right still reigns; making the person less objective and more about personal gain.

There is a lot of room and expansion to play around with when people give up their own need to be right. The emotions that accompany the need to be right is an aphrodisiac that even the most learned men and women can fall prey to.
          Roohul Haq

Saturday, March 8, 2014

Random thoughts of the narrator

Random thoughts on seclusion and creativity, how these can be a potent force for insightful masterpieces...

It's an amazing world out there
Making every moment live thee
The chaos is untangled with ease
If you have seclusion thee

To be creative is to be a loner
To sit quietly in seclusion
Away from all distractions
Just listening to your own breathing
Observing your own thoughts
Never judging; but allowing
You get to know yourself

Maybe it is the first time you met yourself
Or the many times you knocked
On the door of your soul
seeking answers and guidance...

To make sense of what you feel
and why you feel it

Consuming you
Into greater depths of your soul...

It seems this place always existed
Never outside of yourself
Always within
Whispering smooth encouraging words
Guiding you with no duress...

You find a small morsel of spark
Enough to fuel you into
an abyss of creativity...

Let this random thought merry thee
Live in the hearts of the narrator Ji...

Roohul Haq